Special Spring Rate!

Improve your home or consolidate debt with our limited-time Home Equity rate, as low as 6.10% APR (vs. 8%!)

The NEW NCU Scholarship Program

We’re excited to offer this new program to members looking to finance future education of various types! Learn more today.

Adventure Awaits!

We’ll help you finance RV’s, ATV’s/UTV’s and more.

Secure. Seamless. Stylish.

The NCU Debit card makes paying a breeze. Shop at over 60+ million places.

Find The Perfect Student Loan

Personalized rates from 20+ student lenders, through 1 form, in under 3 minutes.

Effortless Banking, Anytime

Use online or mobile banking today and take NCU with you 24/7.

Northwoods Credit Union: Loans Given, Dreams Realized.

Northwoods Credit Union Financing

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Credit Cards

Home Loans

Auto Loans



Special Spring Home Equity Promo is here!

What Our Members Mean To Us

We are nothing without our values, our story, and our communities.
